Hearing Irregular Verbs
Verb Set 6



[ ]  ____ are wearing mine; ____ am wearing yours.
  You ... I
  They ... we

[ ]  
  They had to wearing hats since the sun came out.
  They have worn hats ever since the sun came out.

[ ]  They ____ jackets if it gets windy.
  am wearing
  will wear

[ ]  
  She worn casual clothing at the office.
  She wore casual clothing to the office.

[ ]  
  He'll have to worn a tie every day this week.
  He will have worn a tie every day this week.

[ ]  I ____ wearing sneakers; you ____ wearing sandals.
  am ... was
  was ... were

[ ]  She ____ wearing light clothing.
  had been

[ ]  The long walk will ____, I just know it.
  worn me down
  wear me out

Lesson: Wear
Module: Verb Set 6
Course: Hearing Irregular Verbs