Hearing Irregular Verbs
Verb Set 5



[ ]  You ____ a Toblerone Bar.
  will buys
  will buy

[ ]  
  She buys some chocolate on a regular basis.
  She buy some chocolate on a regular basis.

[ ]  They ____ Godiva Gold when they can.

[ ]  
  Before you arrived, we had bought Ghirardelli Squares.
  Before you arrived, we had buyed Ghirardelli Squares.

[ ]  
  I was buying wine; you were buying chocolate.
  I would buy wine; you is buying chocolate.

[ ]  I ____ Ghirardelli Squares for a treat.
  will bought
  have bought

[ ]  He ____ dark chocolate, while they ____ white.
  buy ... buys
  is buying ... are buying

[ ]  Yesterday, they ____ all the white chocolate in the store.
  bought up
  buy off

Lesson: Buy
Module: Verb Set 5
Course: Hearing Irregular Verbs